Like any other financial instrument, personal loans when utilized appropriately can turn out to be very useful. They provide an opportunity to deal with the debts, make a large purchase, or meet an emergency. However, the disadvantages which can be connected with personal loans are to be understood to exclude certain problems.

Personal loans can be a backbone to its borrower as it is a flexible loan offering and at times even live-saving but this product’s potential risk tends to accumulate on to finances if not controlled efficiently.

To sum up, some aspects that borrowers have to be very attentive to are the agreement’s conditions, rates of interest, and fees that assist in decision-making.

What is a Personal Loan?

Personal loans are not backed up by any security thus they might be easier to obtain but this might come with very high interest rates in contrast to secured loans. It is a type of unsecured loan provided to an individual by a bank or any non-banking finance company.

Common use of personal loan

  • Main Utilization Areas of Personal LoanDebt Consolidation: One significant way personal loans are used is in debt consolidation, whereby a buyer has many different debts consolidated into one clear debt, usually at a lower interest rate.
  • Home Improvements: Renovation or repair work, without tapping home equity, is now within reach of financing.
  • Medical Expenses: Insurance helps against emergencies in medical situations that may not be covered by insurance.
  • Large Purchases: Objects such as White and Brown goods like refrigerators, cars, and huge electronic gadgets like LED TVs, etc.
  • Emergency Expenses: For unplanned unforeseen expenditures that crop up from time to time such as car breakdowns, or a business trip.

Pitfalls of Personal Loans

  • Fees and Charges: A lot of personal loans also have a list of fees that tag along with them; the origination fees, the late payment fees, or even the prepayment fees.
  • Impact on Credit Score: Missing installment payments or defaulting on a personal loan is the surefire way to hurt your credit score; besides, making timely repayments many times could be pretty effective for boosting your credit score.
  • Debt Cycle Risk: Taking out a personal loan to pay off existing debt sometimes starts one on the cycle of borrowing. If poorly executed, this debt can become perpetuating debt states in which more loans are continuously being issued to pay off previous debts.
  • Variable Interest Rates: Such loans normally contain floating rates that normally rise after the midterm of the loan. This could mean that monthly payments go up and therefore, the budgeting factor could be that it is much harder.

Variable rate deals are risky because interest rates will increase, mainly in an environment where interest rates climb. Unaffordable rises, in this case, might be devastating financially.

  • Temptation to Overborrow; This very ease sometimes leads to overborrowing. As a result of this, the borrower will take more than what he requires, which causes him unnecessary debt and financial strain. In light of these observations, therefore, it is important to borrow only what you need and can pay back, lest you fall into such a trap.
  • Short Repayment Terms: Personal loans are usually characterized by a short payback period, which makes the monthly installments large and uncomfortable for many who take out loans. With the pressure of higher payments, financial stress can be created, ultimately resulting in potential defaults.


While personal loans can be a means of much-needed financial relief, they are not without associated pitfalls. Some of these pitfalls include high interest rates and fees, the effect on your credit score, the risk of falling into the debt cycle, variable interest rates, and over-tempering with borrowing.

Once you have made yourself aware of all the pitfalls and know how to handle your loan responsibly, you shall delightfully use every benefit from instant personal loans and eliminate possible financial difficulties. Always check on loans and consider the fine print to ensure they suit your current financial status and goals.


Contact information

SOLOMON CAPITAL PRIVATE LIMITED is a Non Banking Finance Company (NBFC) registered with the Reserve Bank of India (RBI). RUPEE112 is the brand name under which the company conducts its lending operations and specialize in meeting customer's instant financial needs.

"Beware of fraud! Always use our secure Repayment Website Link for loan payments. Do not make direct bank payments. Rupee112 is not responsible for payments made to other accounts."