Personal Loans for Millennials :How This Generation is Borrowing Differently

Often described as the Generation Y, millennials are those who were born between 1981 and 1996 and are now in their 20s and 30s struggling in the workplace that is radically different from that which their parents knew.Starting with the student loan issue and ending with the increase in housing, young people pay attention to both convenience and rationality. In regard to personal loans, Millennials are borrowing the way that corresponds to their generation’s mentality, values and technological capabilities.

How is this generation different in borrowing?

  1. Accepting Online Lenders

  • Millennials are also knowledgeable about technology and prefer that borrowing be done online.

  •  Some of the leading online lenders include SoFi, Lending Club and Upstart that makes borrowing easy through online applications that can be completed using a phone. 

  • Digital lenders also elongate interest rates and charge lower fees than traditional banks which is prudent to the Millennial’s who are the primary targets.

  1. Shorter terms and smaller loan amounts

  • Hence instead of borrowing huge amounts of money most of the time, Millennials borrow meager amounts of money with the intention of paying back in relatively shorter periods of time. 

  • Most are wary of leveraging due to the experience of the credit crunch in 2008. Personal loans for instance are usually sought for a given purpose for instance to pay for credit card balance or other bills among others and mostly have a short repayment period.

  1. The combination of Debt

  • Due to massive student loan debt that many Millennials have, most debt consolidation involves use of personal loans.

  •  Of course, Credit card balance transfer or student loan debt on which Millennials had taken hefty interest rates can also be paid off in lump sum by taking out a new loan at a lower interest rate saving on the overall interest incurred in future.

  1. Flexibility and Minimal Costs

  • The financially active generation is flexible loan plans, and charges for such services could be minimal or nonexistent. 

  • Some borrowers prefer the opportunity to repaint their loans before the term and convenient solutions for repayment of monthly installments. They are likely to shy away from using conventional banking institutions they regard as formulating unfavorable and costly terms.

  1. Taking Out Loans for Experiences

  • This trend of borrowing personal loans is a bit different from past generations where many would borrow for things like cars or a home, many millennials are borrowing for life events, experiences including travel or starting their business. 

  • That is why getting personal loans is not a sin for them, as they put a high value on experience rather than possessing things.

  1. Knowledge of Finances

  • Older generations may not have been into checking their credit scores regularly as Millennials find it natural to use Credit Karma, or Mint to manage their money.

  •  It results in better borrowing choices, and calls for a fair loan contract or an equal depiction of the terms of the loan.


Millennials are reinventing borrowing solutions by using technological advances to seek affordable, credible and sustainable loan products. They are inclined to take more stringent borrowing, opting for short term, definite needs for instance to repay an existing non-installment balance or for instances like debt snowballing, experience costs among others rather than, installment costs.

This generation’s approach to personal loans continues to focus on control, utilisation and the promise of financial education.

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SOLOMON CAPITAL PRIVATE LIMITED is a Non Banking Finance Company (NBFC) registered with the Reserve Bank of India (RBI). RUPEE112 is the brand name under which the company conducts its lending operations and specialize in meeting customer's instant financial needs.

"Beware of fraud! Always use our secure Repayment Website Link for loan payments. Do not make direct bank payments. Rupee112 is not responsible for payments made to other accounts."