People looking for personal loans when they go to a bank or any financial body will come across these two terms from their team: secured and unsecured loans. When taking a secured loan the bank has the right to sell the security pledged if you fail to repay the amount borrowed. On the other hand, an unsecured loan does not need any collateral on loan.

Very few lenders who provide personal loans will give secured ones. One such lender is Rupee112. The team offers swift approval whether it be an instant emergency loan or any personal loan. Before opting for any loan it is important to have a clear understanding of the types available and Rupee112 has a team to guide you through. Read along to know more.

What is a Secured Loan?

  1. About collateral is a belonging borrower provides to a lender, which serves as security or a promise of repayment for his or her loan. An example would be cars, properties, and even a savings account. Involvement may also include the seizure of the collateral in case the person fails to pay his or her due regarding the amount.
  2. Lower Interest Rate: The ROI for secured loans is normally lower compared to that of an unsecured one, as the monetary interests of the lender are not left open with collateral.
  3. Higher Amounts: The lenders may be willing to lend a higher amount under secured loans, based on the value of security provided by the borrower.
  4. Longer Repayment Terms: Time period for a secured loan is usually very long.

What is an Unsecured Loan?

  1. No Collateral Required: There is no security needed for these loans. It would get approved based on the borrowing capacity and income ability of such a customer.
  2. Higher Interest Rates: Because there is a degree of risk involved with unsecured loans—for the lender, in that they are not collateral-backed—compared to secured ones, they usually have higher interest rates.
  3. Loan Amounts Are Small: Because lenders only consider the borrower's ability to repay when making the actual loan, unsecured one will be smaller compared to secured loans.
  4. Term Length Reduction: One of the most general aspects associated with unsecured loans when compared with secured one is that the former has a shorter payback period. Because of this, monthly payments are larger, but payout periods go faster.

Loan Choice: Secured or Unsecured

  1. Risk Tolerance: If one is easy about pledging assets as collateral and wants a larger sum of money at better interest rates, then a secured loan will work quite well.
  2. No Collateral: In case you do not want to pledge assets or if you do not have significant assets to pledge, then in such a case also an unsecured loan will be the preferred option, even if it comes at higher interest rates.
  3. Loan Use: Hence, the unsecured loan can be used to meet small and urgent expenditures, while the secured one can be used for remaking one's home.


Ultimately, the choice between secured and unsecured personal loans that one will want to make will depend on their credit history, risk tolerance level, and needs of the person. Ensure going through the conditions, rate of interest, and repayment terms of what each lender quotes for making an informed choice. Get in touch with Rupee112 personal loan experts and get more clarity on both types of loan.


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DEV-AASHISH CAPITALS PRIVATE LIMITED is a Non Banking Finance Company (NBFC) registered with the Reserve Bank of India (RBI). RUPEE112 is the brand name under which the company conducts its lending operations and specialize in meeting customer's instant financial needs.

"Beware of fraud! Always use our secure Repayment Website Link for loan payments. Do not make direct bank payments. Rupee112 is not responsible for payments made to other accounts."