Understanding Variable vs. Fixed-Rate Personal Loans : How Interest Rates Affect You

The problem of a variable as opposed to a fixed interest rate is another concept that is very important when discussing the personal loans type. A brief overview of each kind and how interest rates impact you can be found below:

Fixed-Rate Personal Loans

Meaning: If you are borrowing on a fixed rate personal loan, then you are subjected to a particular percentage until the time you repay your debt.


  • The ability to predict

Monthly installments do not change which means that it is easy to budget in the credit union.

  • Security Against Rate Increases

 Interest rates fluctuate, but with our fixed rate pricing, your rate remains the same which means you’ll never pay more than you agreed.


  • Possibly Greater Starting Prices

An interest rate of fixed deposits may be set slightly above the current prime rate as a reference to the already existing market rates.

  • Low The ability to adapt

In the case of the market rates going down, then you cannot have a contract that will endeavor to give you better rates without having to refinance.

The Workings of Fixed Interest Rates

Since fixed rate of interest is preferred by borrowers who do not want to be faced with variable interest rates on their loans during the period of the loans, which may result in high interest cost and hence high mortgage costs. This type of rate helps to avoid what is called a floating or variable interest rate, wherein the interest rate payable on a debt could change depending on an underlying interest cost which is also changeable, sometimes even erratically.

Variable-Rate Personal Loans

Meaning: Variable-rate personal loan means that the interest on such loan is flexible and subject to change depending on the market rates which is usually related to the prime rate.


  • Reduced Starting Rates

With variable rates, they begin lower than with the case of a fixed rate, meaning you are likely to spend less cash initially.

  • Potential for Payment Declined

You can also find that if the interest rates declines then you can also find that your payment can also decline.


  • The unpredictable nature

Monthly payments cannot be fixed: they fluctuate, which is not very convenient if you have to plan your expenses.

  • The possibility of increased payments

If interest rates increase, your payments can go up, potentially straining your finances.

The workings of variable interest rates

In the case of ARMs, interest rates are adjustable and this implies that these interest rates fluctuate after some time. The customer customarily obtains a teaser rate which is valid through some period of time, 1, 3 or 5 years are most common. After that, the rate changes periodically, The rate of transformation lends itself to a periodic horizon. These are not done with a non-grandfathered fixed-rate mortgage that is also non-hybrid.


Direct-to-consumer personal loans whether, fixed or variable, depend on the lender’s risk profile, market, and personal preferences. Approach the decision critically and seek guidance from a financial planner to include your goal when making the decision.

Contact information

DEV-AASHISH CAPITALS PRIVATE LIMITED is a Non Banking Finance Company (NBFC) registered with the Reserve Bank of India (RBI). RUPEE112 is the brand name under which the company conducts its lending operations and specialize in meeting customer's instant financial needs.

"Beware of fraud! Always use our secure Repayment Website Link for loan payments. Do not make direct bank payments. Rupee112 is not responsible for payments made to other accounts."